Sunday, March 9, 2008

Pride and Joy

I'm the Mother of two and was unable to breastfeed due to health reasons. As I worked in a few hospitals in all departments, I loved seeing the Moms Breastfeeding. As I love children, I especially loved working in Pediatrics or Obstetrics with the newborns. I was so looking forward to breastfeeding.

As a Mom, I enjoyed every moment spent with my son & daughter; sharing, teaching and learning. They are my pride and joy! I wanted to make sure they could take care of themselves. My father had died when I was a teen, and my Mom had a breakdown. I had to bring up my two younger brothers, aged 5 and 9, when I was 13. I was lucky that my grandmother had taught me how to take care of the family prior to my Dad's death. I count my blessings each and every day. I now have three grandchildren who bring so much love & joy. It's great sharing in all of their activities. It's great to be included! My children are fantastic! I am so blessed!

Irene, mother of 2 & grandmother of 3, NY

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