Monday, March 24, 2008

Still Nursing

"When are you going to wean him?". I hear this question at least a few times a week. Sometimes it's from family, sometimes friends, and sometimes total strangers! My son is 19 months old and, yes, he is still nursing. "I have no plans to wean him. He'll wean when he's ready.". My answer is usually met with a sigh of exasperation or a wrinkle of the nose. I'm not sure why my nursing is any one's business at all. I'm not sure why they care. I do know that I will continue to nurse my son as long as he's still interested. Why are people are so uncomfortable with toddlers nursing? It is biologically normal for toddlers to nurse. I can't help what is socially acceptable this week, but I can't make choices for my son based on that. Extended breastfeeding has many documented health and emotional benefits for mother and baby. I wouldn't deprive him of the advantages or the security nursing offers him. I am proud to say that he is still nursing at 19 months!

What feature of the Slurp & Burp do you find most appealing?

I am not a modest person and never felt uncomfortable nursing in public. I have always embraced breastfeeding as a natural and normal part of life. I long for the day when all mothers are confident and able to breastfeed their children in public without stigma. I never thought that I had any use for a breasfeeding privacy privacy garment. Then came cool evenings in our coastal town of Carlsbad, CA. While I was perfectly happy to nurse my son in public, exposing my breast left me quite chilly! The Slurp & Burp provides enough coverage to keep the chill out, while allowing you to maintain eye contact with your child while feeding. So now, both Mom and Baby are comfortable thanks to the Slurp & Burp!

Christa, mother of Cole - 19 months, CA

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